Find Hope

It seemed like the guy on TV was talking directly to me .

I remember getting up out of the chair and walking around the living room just saying; “Wow! Something just happened.”


I began to understand that the devil had been trying to get me to kill myself. It just came to mind that it was scales. Like the scales on a reptile. I sat down in the chair in the living room, my head was just pounding. I felt rotten from a hangover from the drugs and the alcohol. I turned on the TV and the 700 Club was on. I don’t know how it got on the 700 Club. I rented a house with my brother. We never watched any kind of spiritual programming. But there it was and there was a man on there named Ben Kinchlow talking about drugs and alcohol. It seemed like everything that he was saying was to me. Then he mentioned Hebrews 13:5 “ I will never fail you nor forsake you”. I felt the need at that time to pray the sinner’s prayer and ask Christ to come into my life. When I did that, it felt as if an electrical charge started in my feet and came up through my body and lifted two tons of weight off of my shoulders. I remember getting up out of the chair and walking around the living room just saying; “Wow! Something just happened.” When I got up out of that chair, it felt like scales had fallen from my eyes. You know, I have thought about that through the years. I thought; “Why did I think it was scales?” Well, the enemy is described as a serpent in the Garden of Eden. We also know that the bible says that the God of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers. Well, of course, I think that Paul had that experience where he felt like scales had fallen from his eyes. Again, as I have thought about this over the years, I can’t help but think that the enemy had me blinded by having the body of a serpent wrapped around my head so that I could not see. Then I realized that he had been trying to get me to kill myself through the drinking, the drugs, coming close to overdosing, and driving while blacked out. Things changed. God took away my desire to curse. I had spent time in the Marines. I had been on Navy ships. I could curse a blue streak. He also took away my desire for things like drugs. I used to think that lifestyle was fun but fun for me now is spending time with the Lord, spending time with my wife, my children, and grandchildren. And teaching what I have learned. Telling others about what God has done for me.

Mark M - It seemed like the guy on TV was talking directly to me .

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