Find Hope

Dad confiscated my marijuana.

My dad came to me at one point and poured out his heart to me. He was almost to the point of tears as he said, “Son, I love you. I’m worried about you; about where you’re going with your life right now.”


I have been caught with alcohol, marijuana, and other substances in my house multiple times by parents. They would confiscate it, and I would become more angry. I would just go out and do it again. I didn’t care. My dad came to me at one point and poured out his heart to me. He was almost to the point of tears as he said, “Son, I love you. I’m worried about you; about where you’re going with your life right now.”

I was mad at the world and mad at God so I decided was going to let it all hang out one night. I got severely inebriated. I became sick and probably should have been in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. I passed out on a friend’s couch. I woke up the next morning and realized what I was doing. I got on my face questioning, “Why am I dong this? This is stupid.” I was completely broken. The proverbial light bulb came on and I came to faith in Christ right then, and there. God rained down his Spirit and all of a sudden I understood.

When I returned home from the party my parents met me at the door. Initially, they were pretty upset with me. They knew I had been out partying. I’m sure I probably stilled smelled like a bar. I walked in and hugged my mom. I hugged my dad and said, “Guys, I’m sorry.” I poured myself out the them. I told them I knew I’d messed up bad. I said, “All this time you’ve been trying to lead me in the right direction. I’ve spurned you, and I’v spurned God. I hated you and I hated God because you were trying to lead me in the right direction.”

I had a moment of reconciliation with them and then had to leave for work. My coworkers could tell that something was different. The rumor started going around work, “Mike’s changed.” I spend more time with my parents now than I ever have. I speak to them on the phone at least once a day. I had never been able to get together and hang out with them. Now that happens. That’s really cool.

Mike K - Dad confiscated my marijuana.

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