Find Hope
41 to 50 of 364 results.

Stayed gone until grace brought her home.


"It’s those little things right there that show me that true restoration has taken place."

I got my life back after being diagnosed with M.S.


"During the tests I felt a sense of comfort that I had never felt; like everything was going to be okay."

From Vice President to a much higher position.

Bernie Miller

The guy looked across at me and said, “You are arrogant. You need some humility. I am going to give you some. You’re fired.”

From broken desperation to complete restoration.


"I was trying to fix the hurts that were in my life by just numbing them. It wasn’t working. I knew something was wrong because I was ready to kill myself."

The dangerous walk of faith.

John B.

"From that time on I realized that you never know. The next time that you get off the airplane walking through the airport, you may be killed."

Got past my alcoholic preacher Dad with God the Father's help.

Russ Taff

"When I stood up after fifteen or twenty minutes something was different about me."

From loving violence to loving God.


"The first time I heard my dad say he loved me, I was in jail.

My Rock-n-Roll Dreams Turned to Worship.

Zach Williams

"Things started changing in my life but I still wasn’t ready to quit doing the band thing."

Believed in the Big Bang until my heart changed my mind.

Thomas B.

"The science classes that I took taught me that there was no God."

Pain turns to strength in the midst of tragedy.


"You’re strong and I have turned your pain into a resource for ministry.”

41 to 50 of 364 results.