Find Hope
11 to 20 of 364 results.

He managed the Dodgers but what about his own son?


"I didn’t realize until much later that what they wanted was me."

We were the gang girls who ruled the school.


"Nothing about me was like anybody at that school."

I needed more than the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame


"Were it not for a gracious, merciful God we would all bust hell wide open."

An early internet pioneer, for a time I was living the materialist dream.

Chris J.

"I was living the Epicurian life and I was miserable."

When Dad is a Bible expert and a criminal


"The sad part is, my dad, knows the Bible from Genesis to Revelation word for word without opening it."

From homeless immigrant to MBA graduate and homeowner.


"I was supposed to just maybe potentially get a G.E.D., possibly graduate High School."

Two jobs, paid my own bills, but couldn't cover up the ghost in my past.


"One day when COVID happened, I lost my job and all things came to a head."

Sports, military, and the doctor I stared down


"For a long time, I was ashamed of it."

I pointed my rifle at the black people and prayed.


"Do I shoot innocent little kids or do I rebel?"

It didn't go well with my white father-in-law.


"Despite my story, despite my character, all they saw was this scary black guy."

11 to 20 of 364 results.