Find Hope

Got involved in drugs and lost custody of my son.

Wendy C

I was a meth addict for ten years. I lost my first marriage due to the drugs. I said I would never get back in another relationship like that but I jumped right into another relationship with a man. It was even worse than my ...

After addiction to crack, my family was restored.


He said, "We can make a hundred thousand a year." I said, “Well, Let’s go!” The first year we made some good money; about sixty or seventy-thousand dollars. In two years of working with him I didn't know that he was using pow...

Methhead who wanted to die, but my boyfriend’s Mom wouldn’t let me.


I remember begging her; “Just let me die. Just let me die. I mean, just leave me alone and let me die.” Praise God! She told me; “I can’t do that.”

Met my "Dad" at 13, but God became my real Dad.

Johnny C.

"But God had to teach me that none of that matters, that He was going to be my Father and that He was going to teach me and help me."

From poverty, near abortion and death, to dreams and miracles.


Her grandmother threw her out. She lived in a little 16‘x9’ shack by the roadside. I was born in that little shack.

Would do anything for approval.


I didn’t know if God loved me. I was just so desperate. I started to try to find my identity in relationships with guys.

Met my Dad when I was eight.


"So, by eighteen I was addicted to meth."